
November 10, 2011

Badam Burfi

Wondering why Im posting all sweets and savories recipes after diwali. I was literally out of time on a jam packed schedule. Now being back after the vacation, I have plenty of time.

Almonds - 250g
Sugar - 3 cups
Ghee - 2 1/2 cups
Cardamom Powder - 1 tsp

Soak and peel badam. Grind into a fine smooth paste.
In a thick bottomed pan, mix badam paste, equal amount of sugar, cardamom powder and stir well. CAUTION: It splutters so be wary and you will have to keep stirring continuously, so make sure you are fresh and energetic, if trying on you own. I had 2 pairs of hands helping me, and we all felt  it tough!!
Add ghee little by little and keep stirring till all the ghee is soaked up by the mixture and its reduced by more than half.
Grease a plate and pour the  mixture and cut into pieces when warm.
Serve in an air tight container.

Im sending this to Srav's Cooking Concepts - Festive Food.

Bon Appetit!!